It is easy to archive, organize, and change an existing template directly from the Spreadsheet add-on or Web portal.
How to access templates
From the Spreadsheet add-on
1. Open your Spreadsheet add-on in your selected spreadsheet, and under Build, select Open. All templates you've created will be available for selection.
2. Click Manage to be taken to your Web portal Reports section to organize your templates or create a folder.
From Web portal
2. Navigate to the Reports area of the Web portal to locate your templates and folders. Any templates shared with you will be visible here. Cube Admins can see all templates.
Templates can be opened and used for web-based reporting right here in the Web portal.
Organize templates & update access
1. From your Web portal, select Reports
2. Select the +Folder button in the top right corner.
3. Name your folder and then click the Save button.
After you've named your folder and added it, it will be available in your Web portal and Spreadsheet add-on.
4. Next, add your created templates to your folder by selecting the Move icon to the right of your template.
This is also a good time to update sharing access if you'd like it to be company-facing or private. Click the Edit icon to the right of the Move icon to change this.
5. Select the Save button when you've made the changes.
Update existing templates
To make changes to an existing template structure, open your template in your spreadsheet, make the necessary adjustments, and publish the template. This will update the saved template on your Reports page, too.
Delete templates or folders
Note: Deleting templates or folders is permanent.
1. Open your Web portal and navigate to the Reports section.
3. If your template is organized in a folder, click on the folder to access your template. Then, to the right of your template or folder name, click on the Delete icon.
4. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this template. Click the Delete report button to finalize your action.
Don't want to delete a template but no longer want to use it? Create an archive folder to store old templates.