Quickly and easily map and load your employee roster from your HRIS system into Cube using data table uploads and get the employee data you need in your plans and reports.
- First, configure a data table to accept the data file upload.
- Then, upload flat files as often as you need to refresh your data.
If you've already added the table table, skip to the upload section.
How does Cube calculate headcount from employee roster data?
By default, Cube calculates headcount by counting all full-time employees who worked in the specified time period.
However, if your employee roster data table had been created while setting up your Cube, your team may have changed this to count employees only at the end of the specified time period instead.
Please reach out to our support team to change this setting or check how your data table is set to calculate headcount.
If you have enabled "exclude zero rows from results" when using drilldown in your spreadsheet, only employees with non-zero salaries will be included in the details as well as the headcount and FTE calculations. If you wish to include employees with $0 salaries in the drilldown details and calculations, turn off exclude zero rows from results.
Create the data table
1. From the Source Data page in the Web portal, click New, then Data Table.
3. Input a name and, optionally, a description for the data table.
4. Set the Type to Employee Roster.
5. [Optional] If you want to modify your Employee roster data after importing, check the box for Data imported from this table can be modified via other methods, e.g. Publishing from a spreadsheet.
Note: If this option is not selected, the data imported in this table for a specific cross-section can only be updated/modified via another import to this specific table.
6. [Optional] If you want to include Bonus and Commission amounts in your uploads, check the respective checkboxes.
7. Click Add data table
8. Once the data table is added, click the Source Dimensions tab. You'll see the list of source dimensions automatically added to hold the data from this data table.
Note: Employees with the Full Employment Type are mapped to the FTE Headcount dimension. All other employment types are mapped to Total Headcount.
If you have included Bonus and Commission, you'll see those dimensions listed here as well.
Next, click Map Dimensions to map the Employee Roster Dimension to the Cube Dimensions.
Note: We recommend creating new Cube dimensions to map your Employee Roster dimensions. You cannot overwrite the actuals data in the account dimensions mapped to a live connection. For example, instead of mapping "Base Salary" to an existing account dimension "10100 - Salaries," in which data come from a live connection, create a new dimension "Base Salary."
9. Map each Source Dimension and click Save Mapping when finished.
10. [Optional] If you have any attributes associated with your employee roster data (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Manager, etc.) select the Attributes tab to add or update them.
- Click Add New
- In the Name field, input the name of the attribute
- Click Add Attribute
- Repeat those steps for each attribute you want to add
Import data file
Now that your Employee Roster connection has been configured, you can prepare a CSV of your roster data for importing.
Use this guide as a reference for preparing your file, taking into account the specific notes below for employee roster values:
- The Full value for Employment Type will be mapped to FTE Headcount. Any other values (such as Part, Contract, Hourly, etc.) will be mapped to Total Headcount.
- Employment Type values accepted:
- Full
- Part
- Contract
- Hourly
- Temporary
- Intern
- Employment Type values accepted:
- For current employees without an End Date, please enter a future date (example: 01/01/2050) as Cube does not recognize blanks here and requires a date.
- Employee ID is mandatory. If you do not currently have employee IDs you must create a "Cube" ID for each employee you upload to Cube. Please maintain a record of the different Employee IDs created, as any future changes (for example, salary, end date) to employee information will be linked to that specific ID.
- Time and Account dimensions are not required because the Start Date and End Date columns are used for Time and the Salary column for Account.
After you've confirmed that your CSV is properly configured, you can follow the standard steps for uploading a flat file to a data table in Cube.