The SSO credentials you attempted to use to log into Cube appear to be invalid.
Please check the following items to get back into your Cube account.
Did you use the correct email address for this SSO account?
Check to make sure the email you used via SSO is the account associated with Cube.
Is SSO enabled for your organization?
If you are trying to log in with SSO but your organization doesn’t have SSO enabled, you can contact your Cube administrator or our support team to set it up.
Additionally, you could reset your password to log into your Cube account without using SSO.
Account doesn’t exist.
Perhaps your account still needs to be created in Cube. Reach out to your company’s Cube administrator to check your status.
If you are unable log into the Spreadsheet add-on due to issues loading the add-on or other error messages. Use this article to troubleshoot.