Sometimes when publishing your range, the size can be too significant to be processed immediately and requires the Publish to be backgrounded.
When this happens, you will get one of those two messages below:
“Whoa there!”
The "Whoa there!" message happens when Cube tries to make the publish but due to the range size, the publish times out, which results in the Add-On forcing a background Publish.
"Publishing in Background"
The message shows when the range size exceeds a certain size, and the Add-On immediately forces a background Publish.
Both messages mean your Publish is in progress, and you'll get an email soon alerting you that it's gone through.
Remember, you can always check the Audit Trail to confirm the Publish went through and see what values changed.
How to Speed Up Your Publish
To prevent your Publish from being backgrounded, you can break down your range through the "use selected area" function.
1. Highlight the row or column you've added your publishable data to
2. Under Publish in your Add-On, check Use selected Area
3. Hit Publish Data button, and you'll receive a notification confirming your data has been published
See steps illustrated below: