Your range selection is returning an error. Errors usually appear when dimensions are unrecognized by Cube due to the structure of the range or formatting issues.
If you've received an error, it'll likely be due to one of the following issues. Read more to get things back on track.
Accounts are not Cube dimensions
Cube can only pull data using dimension names it recognizes (dimension, formula, tags).
If you've added additional rows and columns to keep notes and important information that you don't want to be used as dimensions but are important information to maintain, you'll want to add these columns/rows as attributes.
By adding these columns/rows as attributes, Cube will recognize them as belonging to the sheet but will not pull in any Cube data.
If these notes are not important to save as attributes, move them outside the range and re-select your range.
Dimensions cannot be in both rows and columns
This error arises when dimensions from different top-level dimensions are in the same row or column.
For example, the range will not register in Cube if a Time dimension is in a row and column cell.
Data is stored in Cube using your top-level dimensions' intersection (column meets row). The intersection cannot be located accurately if the same dimension is in two places.
To resolve this, reconfigure your range to have dimensions in one place, whether row or column. Fetch your range again after you've made the adjustments.
Date/time not in the Cube format
While spreadsheets support many different formats for dates and allow users to specify custom formats, the Spreadsheet add-on recognizes dates and times in the following formats.
If you're receiving an error like this once you've selected your range and attempted to fetch data, it's likely because one or more dimension names have a typo or aren't recognized.
Use Validate under Analyze in the Spreadsheet add-on to catch, update, or ignore any dimensions and then fetch again.
Range includes unintended cells
When columns/rows are hidden, it can be easy to accidentally select a larger range than you intend.
To account for hidden columns or rows, you can create multiple ranges or add them as attributes.
Dataset requested was too large
While we continue to improve our internal processes and features, there are times that you may be trying to select a range that is too data-heavy for the current system, especially if your Cube is carrying a lot of data.
In this case, create multiple ranges to fetch one at a time. By running your ranges in smaller batches like this, the data will fetch and publish much more quickly.
Still having issues selecting a range?
If you still encounter errors after trying the steps above, log a ticket with Customer Support or email